16 Sept 2013

Bracknell Dentist Gives Direct Access To Hygienists/Therapists What Does This Mean To You?

bracknell dentist allows direct access to therapists
Bracknell dentist allows
direct access to therapists
Up to May 2013 whether you knew it or not, your dentist would prescribe your hygiene /therapist treatment, you weren't allowed by law to see these dental professionals without a valid prescription. 

However, in May 2013 Direct Access was introduced in the UK. Allowing you to visit dental hygienists /therapists without being referred by a dentist and without a prescription (providing the dentist in charge of the clinic agrees). 

Here at Appledore Bracknell we are happy for you to see our therapists directly, as we know that should you have any issues with your teeth they will refer you to the Appledore dentist. 

To book your Direct Access appointment NOW at Appledore Bracknell with Laura or Lucy, to g
et your teeth sparkling clean without needing to see the dentist first, call today on 01344 481 544

At the moment we are unable to accept therapist bookings via our online booking system, however you can book to see our dentists online 

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Bracknell and you will start smiling more

   bracknell dentist allows direct access to therapistsbracknell dentist allows direct access to therapists

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