9 Oct 2013

Bracknell Dentist Dr Teresa Day Dental Maverick, Returns from Morocco Mission of Mercy 2013

Bracknell Dentist Dr Teresa Day, known for her unusual giving to those worse off, has just returned from the remote Rif Mountains region, in North Eastern Morocco where she was part of a dental delegation of 6 UK dentists plus dental nurses.
bracknell dentist Morocco Mission of Mercy 
·         The first destination was a remote school in a fishing village, with 650 children and a high intake of honey, sweet mint tea, and no dental health service which all contributes to extreme dental decay.  We treated 185 kids here that had for severe dental decay!

·         The second destination was a remote village high in the Rif mountains where we treated a further 260 children who had severe dental decay!

bracknell dentist Morocco Mission of Mercybracknell dentist Morocco Mission of Mercy

Dr Teresa is usually found treating patients in her comfortable dental clinic in Bracknell, surrounded by modern day dental equipment, running water, and fabulous support team. Everything she could ever need.

bracknell dentist Morocco Mission of MercyDr Teresa donated a ‘Magic Wand’ which makes dental injections painless and gave the kids a less traumatic time than they would otherwise have had.  And Dr Teresa finances her own trip plus the revenue she loses while away from her business.

Two mobile dental chairs were raised through fundraising, and were awarded to this particular region of Morocco for a visiting dentist. And a second chair was also donated to the El Jebah, Medical clinic which has no dental chair, until now

bracknell dentist Morocco Mission of Mercybracknell dentist Morocco Mission of MercyPain Free Dentistry is at the heart of all we do”, explains Dr Teresa. And she further said, “This year the kids were entertained by games, colouring books and Dental Mavericks Mascot, Roger the Rabbit! It was such a great dental distraction, that the kids were asking for more extractions.”

bracknell dentist Morocco Mission of Mercy
bracknell dentist Morocco Mission of Mercy

Dr Teresa said, “year on year this is the most overwhelming experience of my dental career and another charity expedition I will never forget.”

bracknell dentist Morocco Mission of MercyCally Gedge from the award winning Dental Mavericks outfit, who organised the annual expedition said, “This is our fourth year and this Moroccan community now relies on UK dentists to rid them from the daily pain of decayed teeth. There is no free or easy to access dental care.”

Dr Teresa told us about her future plans, “The Dental Mavericks Teeth for Life Programme.”

Dr Teresa has a long-term goal too, and a simple one. To fund a nurse who will visit the school weekly, educate children on tooth decay prevention, and bring in a dentist every month from the nearest town Chefchaouen, two and a half hours away, treating kids in pain.

If you’d like to view more pictures of the beautiful Moroccan children, Roger the Rabbit, the mobile field chairs being presented to the local clinic and HD video, make any donations, or sponsor the ‘Moroccan Kids Teeth for Life’ programme, please visit www.dentalmavericks.org 

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bracknell dentist Morocco Mission of Mercybracknell dentist Morocco Mission of Mercy

bracknell dentist Morocco Mission of Mercybracknell dentist Morocco Mission of Mercy

bracknell dentist Morocco Mission of Mercybracknell dentist Morocco Mission of Mercy

bracknell dentist Morocco Mission of Mercy

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Bracknell and you will start smiling more

   bracknell dentist Morocco Mission of Mercybracknell dentist Morocco Mission of Mercy

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