11 Jun 2013

Crooked teeth? Watch Chas talking about his Invisalign straight teeth treatment in Bracknell

bracknell invisalign dental treatment
Chas before treatment at
Appledore Dental Clinic Bracknell
Watch Chas talking about his Invisalign Straight Teeth treatment by Dr Teresa Day Clinical Director and Founder of Appledore Dental Clinic Binfield Bracknell 
bracknell straight teeth invisalign youtubebracknell straight teeth invisalign youtube
Straight Teeth Hotline:
Speak to Dr Teresa
bracknell straight teeth invisalign youtubeDirect on 07716 864 095
Dr Teresa GUARANTEES to beat any invisible straight teeth quote by £35 (received within the last 8 weeks from another UK dental practice)

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Bracknell and you will start smiling more


  1. WOW! That's nice, for the longest time I've been suffering from crooked teeth and this inspires me a lot. I'm thinking to have braces or invisalign soon, whichever is convenient and right to my budget I'll go with it AND of course, unless it's advised by our chandler dentist.

  2. I'm sure you'll have a fantastic smile that you will be very proud of after your straightening treatment
